Uncle Ty-Rone, Kid's Comedian VentriloquistCelebrating 30 years of touring!
Entertainers come and entertainers go, but Uncle Ty-Rone has stood the test of time! For the past 30 years, Uncle Ty-Rone has been busy performing for families at festivals, fairs, theaters, and schools across the country. Experience the "vocal magic" of Uncle Ty-Rone as you meet Raggz the K- 9 Superstar hound, a Baby T-Rex, a bright orange orangutan named Jelly Bean, and other hip-hop-happening friends. All in all, it’s nothing but clean fun. For ages 4 & up |
About the artist:
Since 1994, Ty-Rone Travis has been performing with his "box of fun" for family audiences at fairs, festivals, corporate events, cruise ships, educational venues, and opening concerts all across the country to enthusiastic audiences.
Ty-Rone is a Virginia native and describes himself as “somebody who’s trying to do something positive for the communities.” As a 7-year old, Ty-Rone was entranced by famed ventriloquist Edgar Bergen and told his parents that he wanted to learn how Bergen worked his magic. The ventriloquism book they checked out from their local library cast a different spell, introducing their energetic child to the world of words.
“That book was the spark my parents needed to get me to read. I started reading a book every day”. Before long, Ty-Rone’s teacher was so impressed by his new attitude toward reading and learning that she offered him a chance to put on a ventriloquism show for the whole school in the library. From these humble beginnings, things have never been the same.
Ty-Rone is a Virginia native and describes himself as “somebody who’s trying to do something positive for the communities.” As a 7-year old, Ty-Rone was entranced by famed ventriloquist Edgar Bergen and told his parents that he wanted to learn how Bergen worked his magic. The ventriloquism book they checked out from their local library cast a different spell, introducing their energetic child to the world of words.
“That book was the spark my parents needed to get me to read. I started reading a book every day”. Before long, Ty-Rone’s teacher was so impressed by his new attitude toward reading and learning that she offered him a chance to put on a ventriloquism show for the whole school in the library. From these humble beginnings, things have never been the same.